SRP Logo

The definitive version of Shutoko, otherwise known as Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway.
Exclusively for Assetto Corsa.



Need help with installation? Visit the #help channel in our Discord server.


The stable release is required for most servers.

Stable Release 0.9.3
What happened to version 0.9.1? Click for info.
Version 0.9.1 has been removed since support for it has ended. If you are managing a server, please update to the latest version of SRP.
If you frequent a server that uses an outdated version of SRP, please inform their staff so they can update.
The "Overload Layout" has been renamed to "Main Layout" in version 0.9.3.
Car Pack
Contains all cars required to play on our official servers.

Community Insights

Shutoko Revival Project is the most popular track mod for Assetto Corsa.


Drivers Online




Discord Members

Discord LogoDiscord

Our Discord server is the place where you can join us for chatting, progress reports and events. Having trouble? The community is here to help!

Join the Community 
Official Servers

Servers hosted by the Shutoko Revival Project Team, focused on Street Racing.


    Financial contributions will be used for expenses relating to server growth and upkeep.
    Anything in excess of this will be used to purchase material benefitting the project, such as 3D models, and to assist the development team in repairing, maintaining, or upgrading their hardware for better efficiency and stability.